override public function get GRID_Y_FIX():int { return 0 }; private var container:KDContainer; private var camera:Camera3D; private var view:View; public function Alternativa3DAdapter() { initScene(); } public function initScene():void { container = new KDContainer(); camera = new Camera3D(); container.addChild(camera); view = new View(800, 600); camera.view = view; viewContainer.addChild(view); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Camera // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function setCameraPosition(x:Number = NaN, y:Number = NaN, z:Number = NaN):void { if (!isNaN(x)) camera.x = x; if (!isNaN(y)) camera.y = y; if (!isNaN(z)) camera.z = z; } public function moveCamera(forwardSpeed:Number, rightSpeed:Number, jumpSpeed:Number):void { camera.x += rightSpeed; camera.y += forwardSpeed; camera.z += jumpSpeed; } public function rotateCamera(x:Number = NaN, y:Number = NaN, z:Number = NaN):void { if (!isNaN(x)) camera.rotationX = x*toRADIANS; if (!isNaN(y)) camera.rotationY = y*toRADIANS; if (!isNaN(z)) camera.rotationZ = z*toRADIANS; } public function lookCamera(mouseX:Number, mouseY:Number):void { camera.rotationX -= mouseY * toRADIANS; camera.rotationZ -= mouseX * toRADIANS; } public function getCameraTransformation():Matrix3D { return camera.matrix.clone(); } public function getCameraHeight():Number { return camera.z; } public function getCameraPanAngle():Number { return camera.rotationZ; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // 3D Objects // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function createPlane(bitmapData:BitmapData, width:int, height:int, type:String = ""):CrossEngineObject3D { var plane:Plane = new Plane(width, height, 1, 1); plane.setMaterialToAllFaces(new TextureMaterial(bitmapData)); //plane.sorting = Sorting.NONE; //plane.clipping = Clipping.FACE_CULLING; var crossEngineObject3D:CrossEngineObject3D = new CrossEngineObject3D(this, plane); return crossEngineObject3D; } public function createSkybox(back:BitmapData, left:BitmapData, front:BitmapData, right:BitmapData, top:BitmapData, bottom:BitmapData):CrossEngineObject3D { var backMaterial:TextureMaterial = new TextureMaterial(back); var leftMaterial:TextureMaterial = new TextureMaterial(left); var frontMaterial:TextureMaterial = new TextureMaterial(front); var rightMaterial:TextureMaterial = new TextureMaterial(right); top = BitmapUtils.rotateRectangular(top, Math.PI); var topMaterial:TextureMaterial = new TextureMaterial(top); var bottomMaterial:TextureMaterial = new TextureMaterial(bottom); var skybox:SkyBox = new SkyBox(20000); if (back) skybox.getSide(SkyBox.BACK).material = backMaterial; if (left) skybox.getSide(SkyBox.LEFT).material = leftMaterial; if (front) skybox.getSide(SkyBox.FRONT).material = frontMaterial; if (right) skybox.getSide(SkyBox.RIGHT).material = rightMaterial; if (top) skybox.getSide(SkyBox.TOP).material = topMaterial; if (bottom) skybox.getSide(SkyBox.BOTTOM).material = bottomMaterial; var crossEngineObject3D:CrossEngineObject3D = new CrossEngineObject3D(this, skybox); return crossEngineObject3D; } public function createSprite3D(bitmapData:BitmapData, type:String = ""):CrossEngineObject3D { var sprite3D:Sprite3D = new Sprite3D(bitmapData.width, bitmapData.height, new TextureMaterial(bitmapData)); sprite3D.calculateBounds(); var crossEngineObject3D:CrossEngineObject3D = new CrossEngineObject3D(this, sprite3D); return crossEngineObject3D; } public function changeTexture( bitmapData:BitmapData, targetObject3D:* ):void { if (targetObject3D is Sprite3D) Sprite3D(targetObject3D).material = new TextureMaterial(bitmapData); else if (targetObject3D is Mesh) Mesh(targetObject3D).setMaterialToAllFaces(new TextureMaterial(bitmapData)) } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Common // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function update():void { camera.render(); } public function resize(stageWidth:int, stageHeight:int):void { camera.view.width = stageWidth; camera.view.height = stageHeight; } public function copyTransformation(sourceMatrix3D:Matrix3D, targetObject3D:*):void { Object3D(targetObject3D).matrix = sourceMatrix3D.clone(); Object3D(targetObject3D).rotationX+=Math.PI*0.5; } public function copyPosition(sourceMatrix3D:Matrix3D, targetObject3D:*):void { var components:Vector.<Vector3D> = sourceMatrix3D.decompose(); Object3D(targetObject3D).x = components[0].x; Object3D(targetObject3D).y = components[0].y; Object3D(targetObject3D).z = components[0].z; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // INTERFACE render3d.interfaces.abstract.IRender3DAbstract // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function addChild(child:CrossEngineObject3D):void { container.addChild(Object3D(child.object3D)); } public function removeChild(child:CrossEngineObject3D):void { container.removeChild(Object3D(child.object3D)); }
23.09.2010. 17:34
ArgumentError: Error #2025: ??????????????? DisplayObject ?????? ???? ???????? ????????? ??????????? ???????.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at application::Main/changeLabel()
at application::Main/initRender()
at application::Main/initGame()
at application::Main/onClickPlay()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at application::MainMenu/onPlayClick()
Runs excellently smooth!
Does it work faster comparably to prev alt3d version, if sincerely?
?? ????, ??? ? ???? ???? ???? ????, ????????? :)
?? ???? ??????????, ??? ?? ?? ???????????? ?????????.
1. ????? ???? ?? ?? ??????? ???????? ?????? ??????, ? ?? ???? ?????. ??? ??????? ?????? ? ?????????? ??? ?????? ????? ????.
2. ?????? ?????? :)
good action script engine, it would be very useful if you can publish the source code as open source, so many people can collaborate in developing the project, making this the highest quality engine.
very nice little game, it would be nicer if the camera moved on mouse move without having to click and drag though
I am a teacher trying to help some students make a first person shooter in Flash. I have come across your fantastic product and think that this may be the best solution.I would like to know if the abovementioned code is ALL that is needd to create the example or am I missing something. For example, where in the code are the graphics elements loaded????
Thanks for your help in advance,
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