Google maps added under the layer with papervision3d and rotating by Flash 10 3D API (but it's very slow), it's impossible to use maps as material. Please vote for issue to remove security sandbox violation on BitmapData.draw()
Key differences with example in enterFrameHandler()[Embed(source="../assets/Focus.dae", mimeType = "application/octet-stream")] private var carAsset:Class; [Embed(source="../assets/wheel.jpg")] private var wheelBitmapAsset:Class; [Embed(source = "../assets/body.jpg")] private var bodyBitmapAsset:Class; private var car:DAE; private var focusMaterials:MaterialsList; private var viewport:Viewport3D; private var scene:Scene3D; private var camera:SpringCamera3D; private var renderer:BasicRenderEngine; private var topSpeed:Number = 0; private var topSteer:Number = 0; private var speed:Number = 0; private var steer:Number = 0; private var keyRight:Boolean = false; private var keyLeft:Boolean = false; private var keyForward:Boolean = false; private var keyReverse:Boolean = false; private var gmaps:Map; //for maps 3d transformations private var mapContainer:Sprite; private var mapRotationContainer:Sprite; private var prevDistX:Number = 0; private var prevDistZ:Number = 0; private var startPlane:Plane; [SWF(width=700, height=500, backgroundColor=0x343434, frameRate=25)] public function Main() { initMap(); init3D(); } private function initMap():void { gmaps = new Map(); //gmaps.key = "" gmaps.setSize( new Point( 512, 512 ) ); gmaps.addEventListener( MapEvent.MAP_READY, mapReadyHandler ); gmaps.cacheAsBitmap = true mapContainer = new Sprite() addChild(mapContainer) mapContainer.addChild( gmaps ); mapContainer.rotationX = -50; mapContainer.cacheAsBitmap = true mapRotationContainer = new Sprite() -512, -512, 1024, 1024) gmaps.scaleX = gmaps.scaleY = 2 gmaps.x = -512 gmaps.y = -512 mapRotationContainer.addChild(gmaps) mapRotationContainer.x = 350 mapRotationContainer.y = 410 //uncomment for displaying the center of map rotation //var center:Sprite = new Sprite() // // -10, -10, 20, 20) //mapRotationContainer.addChild(center) mapContainer.addChild(mapRotationContainer) } private function mapReadyHandler(e:Event):void { var type:IMapType = MapType.SATELLITE_MAP_TYPE; var latlng:LatLng = new LatLng( 48.873659 , 2.295764 ); gmaps.setCenter( latlng, 17, type ); this.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler ); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown) stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyUp) } private function init3D():void { viewport = new Viewport3D(700, 500); scene = new Scene3D(); this.addChild(viewport); startPlane = new Plane(new WireframeMaterial(0x77ee77), 10, 10); startPlane.rotationX = 90 scene.addChild(startPlane); camera = new SpringCamera3D(50); camera.mass = 10; camera.damping = 10; camera.stiffness = 2; camera.lookOffset = new Number3D(0, 0, 10); camera.positionOffset = new Number3D(0, 25, -40); camera.near = -10000; renderer = new BasicRenderEngine(); addChild(new Stats()) //Setup materials for the object var wheelBitmap:Bitmap = new wheelBitmapAsset() as Bitmap; var bodyBitmap:Bitmap = new bodyBitmapAsset() as Bitmap; var bodyMaterial:BitmapMaterial = new BitmapMaterial(bodyBitmap.bitmapData); bodyMaterial.smooth = true; var wheelMaterial:BitmapMaterial = new BitmapMaterial(wheelBitmap.bitmapData); wheelMaterial.smooth = true; focusMaterials = new MaterialsList(); focusMaterials.addMaterial(bodyMaterial, "materialBody"); focusMaterials.addMaterial(wheelMaterial, "materialWheel"); // Load Collada var byteArray:ByteArray = new carAsset() as ByteArray; car = new DAE(true); car.load(byteArray, focusMaterials); car.scale = 6; car.useClipping = false; = car; scene.addChild(car); } /// HANDLERS private function enterFrameHandler(e:Event):void { //pan google maps var dx:Number = car.x - startPlane.x var dz:Number = car.z - startPlane.z gmaps.panBy( new Point(-(prevDistX - dx), (prevDistZ-dz))); prevDistX = dx prevDistZ = dz //rotate google maps if(car.rotationX == 0) mapRotationContainer.rotationZ = 360-(car.rotationY) else if (car.rotationX == 180) mapRotationContainer.rotationZ = -(180-car.rotationY) if( car ) { // Calculate current steer and speed driveCar(); // Update car model updateCar(); } renderer.renderScene( scene, camera, viewport ); } private function updateCar():void { // Steer front wheels var steerFR :DisplayObject3D = car.getChildByName( "Steer_FR", true ); var steerFL :DisplayObject3D = car.getChildByName( "Steer_FL", true ); steerFR.rotationY = -steer; steerFL.rotationY = -steer; // Rotate wheels var wheelFR :DisplayObject3D = steerFR.getChildByName( "Wheel_FR", true ); var wheelFL :DisplayObject3D = steerFL.getChildByName( "Wheel_FL", true ); var wheelRR :DisplayObject3D = car.getChildByName( "Wheel_RR", true ); var wheelRL :DisplayObject3D = car.getChildByName( "Wheel_RL", true ); var roll :Number = speed * 2; wheelFR.roll( -roll ); wheelRR.roll( -roll ); wheelFL.roll( roll ); wheelRL.roll( roll ); // Steer car car.yaw( speed * steer / 500 ); // Move car car.moveForward( speed ); } private function driveCar():void { // Speed if( keyForward ) { topSpeed = 9; } else if( keyReverse ) { topSpeed = -3; } else { topSpeed = 0; } speed -= ( speed - topSpeed ) / 10; // Steer if( keyRight ) { if( topSteer < 45 ) { topSteer += 1.5; } } else if( keyLeft ) { if( topSteer > -45 ) { topSteer -= 1.5; } } else { topSteer -= topSteer / 24; } steer -= ( steer - topSteer ) / 2; } private function onKeyDown( event :KeyboardEvent ):void { switch( event.keyCode ) { case "W".charCodeAt(): case Keyboard.UP: keyForward = true; keyReverse = false; break; case "S".charCodeAt(): case Keyboard.DOWN: keyReverse = true; keyForward = false; break; case "A".charCodeAt(): case Keyboard.LEFT: keyLeft = true; keyRight = false; break; case "D".charCodeAt(): case Keyboard.RIGHT: keyRight = true; keyLeft = false; break; } } private function onKeyUp( event :KeyboardEvent ):void { switch( event.keyCode ) { case "W".charCodeAt(): case Keyboard.UP: keyForward = false; break; case "S".charCodeAt(): case Keyboard.DOWN: keyReverse = false; break; case "A".charCodeAt(): case Keyboard.LEFT: keyLeft = false; break; case "D".charCodeAt(): case Keyboard.RIGHT: keyRight = false; break; case Keyboard.TAB: if ( gmaps.getCurrentMapType() == MapType.SATELLITE_MAP_TYPE ) gmaps.setMapType( MapType.NORMAL_MAP_TYPE ); else if ( gmaps.getCurrentMapType() == MapType.NORMAL_MAP_TYPE ) gmaps.setMapType( MapType.HYBRID_MAP_TYPE ); else if ( gmaps.getCurrentMapType() == MapType.HYBRID_MAP_TYPE ) gmaps.setMapType( MapType.PHYSICAL_MAP_TYPE ); else if ( gmaps.getCurrentMapType() == MapType.PHYSICAL_MAP_TYPE ) gmaps.setMapType( MapType.SATELLITE_MAP_TYPE ); break; case 187: // + gmaps.zoomIn(); break; case 189: // - gmaps.zoomOut(); break; } }
16.02.2009. 00:00
Impresive, but very hard to stay on track, the real car would crash in seconds like that.
hi exey- very cool, and well done. I battled getting google maps into papervision several times. the closest i have been is to add it to a container as you have, then add it to the stage, then add it to a MovieMaterial, and then remove from the stage. Seems to work, not super efficient, but i could not get the map to render without that step of actually putting the map on the stage fist. I see you are using cs4 to do it, but wondered if you had any luck without FlashPlayer10?
Hi, eric, check out this version
it's uses MovieMaterial for map, but car here made with jiglib JCar
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