Get Source (GreatWhite)
UPD: added renderlayers to avoid overlap on face, thanx katopz for advice Get Latest Source (Effects)
Use WASD keys to play with it like in Muzer Example.
21.02.2008. 00:40
Hello again! In the example of Muzer I have seen an object concerned from a publisher of 3D. I have been a time trying to imply physical forces to a imported object and not it with himself. Please,tell me whereupon motor physique has become the example of Muzer and how it concerned the teapot (.ASE, .AS, .DAE or 3DS). I am thankful for any help or advice.
//This message was translated with a program. They pardon me English bad.
It pardons me! I finish reading that the motor of Physics of Muzer was used. Then the question changes a little: Can the motor of Mozer simulate weave like do it the WOW Engine? It can apply to Great White? Can be mattered complex objects 3D to WOW Engine and to treat them?
Thanks again!
Cloth made with WSpheres and SpringConstraints.
See GDM article
Muzer's engine can't do it.
Collisions detection with complex objects possible, but for them need to make WSphere's skeletons.
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